Talkable Communities
[taw-kuh-buhl] [kuh-myoo-ni-tees]
noun, singular com-mu-ni-ty.

A collection of communities that has open conversations about mental health, knowledge of mental health and substance use disorders, and teaches skills required to respond to mental health and substance use emergencies.
A collection of communities that advances the well-being of its children and families and provides sustainable strategies and skills for positive mental health outcomes.
A collection of communities where mental health resources are at every turn

Talkable Communities models the Walkable Communities concept. A Walkable Community promotes social connectedness and support, increased communication and healthy living for those that live there.
In a similar way, Talkable Communities are communities that encourage healthy conversations and activities that we believe will spearhead a focus on mental well-being for children and families, leading to happy, healthier lives.
The key component of Talkable Communities is providing free, evidence-based mental health trainings. That's why we are bringing It's Time to Talk about It! (ITTAI), Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR), and Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) to the heart of six Northeast Florida communities: Clay County, Duval County, Flagler County, Nassau County, Putnam County, and St. Johns County.
We believe that wellness, social connectedness, and support all start with communication. We believe that mental well-being is only one conversation away.